.. -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
.. sidebar:: Related Pages
:class: large
* `Other conferences <../conferences/>`__
* `Python <../python/>`__
* `David Goodger’s Projects <../>`__
* `My home page <../../>`__
.. contents::
PyCon_ is the annual North American Python community conference, first
held in 2003, organized and staffed by community volunteers, and
underwritten by the `Python Software Foundation
`__. I attended my first PyCon_ in 2004
in Washington D.C. I was "on staff" from the beginning, helping out
more each year. I was the Chair of `PyCon 2008`__ and `PyCon 2009`__,
both held in Chicago.
I contribute to the `PyCon weblog `_.
.. Note:: If there is no link from a talk or tutorial presentation
below, it means that I do not have files for that presentation.
Please do not write to ask for them, because **they do not exist!**
If I do prepare files, I will post them here.
.. _PyCon: http://www.python.org/community/pycon/
__ 2008_
__ 2009_
`PyCon 2010 `_ was held February 17 to 25
in Atlanta, Georgia: tutorials on February 17 & 18, conference talks
February 19-21, and development sprints February 22-25. My
* Tutorial: "wxPython I: Intro to GUI Programming"
* Tutorial: "wxPython II: GUI Programming and MVC"
* Lightning talk: "PyCon Swag"
Staff roles (volunteer):
* Tote bag & giveaway coordinator
* Registration desk staffer
`PyCon 2009 `_ was held March 25 to April 2
in Rosemont (Chicago), Illinois: tutorials on March 25 & 26,
conference talks March 27-29, and development sprints March 30 to
April 2. It was widely hailed as the best PyCon to date. Apart from
opening remarks and introductions for keynote speakers, I didn't make
any presentations. I learned my lesson in 2008.
Staff role: I chaired the PyCon 2009 organizing committee, as a
full-time employee of the Python Software Foundation.
`PyCon 2008 `_ was held March 13-20 in
Rosemont (Chicago), Illinois: tutorials on March 13, conference talks
March 14-16, and development sprints March 17-20. It was the biggest
to date, with over 1000 attendees, and (IMHO) a great success. My
* Tutorial: "wxPython I: Intro to GUI Programming with wxPython and MVC"
* Tutorial: "wxPython II: Advanced GUI Programming with wxPython and MVC"
* Keynote: Chair's Opening Remarks
* Introductions for other keynote speakers
Staff role (volunteer): I chaired the PyCon 2008 organizing committee.
`PyCon 2007 `_ was held February 23-25 in
Dallas, Texas, with tutorials on February 22 and sprints February 26
through March 1. My presentations at PyCon 2007:
* Tutorial: `Code Like a Pythonista: Idiomatic Python
* Lightning talk: `PyCon 2008 <2007/pycon2008>`__
* Coached the `Docutils sprint
Staff roles (volunteer):
* Financial aid program coordinator
* Tutorials coordinator
* Program committee
* Session chair
* Registration desk staffer
* PyCon "Chair-in-training"
`PyCon 2006 `_ was held in Dallas, Texas,
on February 24-26, with tutorials on February 23 and sprints February
27 through March 2. My presentations:
* Tutorial: `Text and Data Processing <2006/text-processing/>`__
* Talk: `Understanding Unicode <2006/unicode/>`__
* Talk: `Easy Slide Shows With reStructuredText & S5
* Lightning talk: `BIG & BOLD Slides With reST S5 <2006/s5-big/>`__
* Talk: `Docutils Developers Tutorial: Architecture, Extending, and
Embedding <2006/docutils-arch/>`__
* Coached the `Docutils sprint
Staff roles (volunteer):
* Volunteer coordinator
* Sprint coordinator
`PyCon 2005
`__ was
held in Washington D.C. on March 23-25, with sprints March 19-22.
I presented a lightning talk: `Easy Menus in Emacs <../emacs/>`_.
Staff roles (volunteer):
* Volunteer coordinator
* Program committee
* Session chair
* Registration desk staffer
`PyCon 2004
`__ was
held in Washington D.C. on March 24-26, with sprints March 20-23.
`A Week at PyCon DC 2004 <../../personal/pycon_dc_2004/>`__ gives a
narrative account of the events.
I coached the `Docutils sprint
`__ and held a `Docutils
birds-of-a-feather (BoF) session
Staff roles (volunteer):
* Session chair
* Registration desk staffer