================================================================= A Week at `PyCon DC 2004 `__ -- Day 7 ================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------ Conference Day 3 & A Bit More DC -- Friday, March 26 ------------------------------------------------------ :Author: David Goodger :Contact: goodger@python.org Today's keynote address was by Bruce Eckel, of "Thinking in..." fame. Entertaining but a bit technical and monotonous. Anna Ravenscroft's `Distutils intro talk `__ was very good -- ought to be repeated next time. After lunch, I discussed some Docutils & code metadata issues with Terence Way & Brad Clement, then with Eric Jones. The plenary session concluded the conference, and I went off for a bit of sight-seeing. At the beginning of the week, Saturday/Sunday, I was wearing a sweater, leather jacket, scarf, hat, and gloves. By Thursday, the morning required a light jacket but the evenings were warm enough for short-sleeved shirts. Spring has come to DC! Walked past the south lawn of the White House, where a large crowd of tourists were gathered taking pictures. Yawn. Stopped by the Smithsonian's Natural History museum again to see if I could find a relative of Eric the python, but no luck. They had cobras and rattlesnakes, but no pythons. Walked down 14th street to the Tidal Basin, which was surrounded by cherry trees, beginning to bloom. The `Jefferson Memorial `__ was very impressive, solemn, and peaceful. Continuing on, the `FDR Memorial `__ was another worthwhile site to visit, although I went through it accidentally (it wasn't on my free tourist map) and the wrong way, reverse chronologically. Its fountains reminded me of the "emergence" scene near the end of `Logan's Run `__, but the FDR Memorial was built in the '90s. Perhaps the inspiration was the other way around? Heading back north, I passed by the conference site so I popped in to see if anyone was still there. Spoke with Jeff Kowalczyk again, who was in the amphitheater taking advantage of the wired internet access. The Twisted people were still going strong. Some people were out on the terrace enjoying the warm weather, including Mike Fletcher, Thomas Wouters, Anthony Baxter, Sean Reifschneider, and Sylvia Candelaria de Ram. Their Thai food arrived, but I had other plans: dessert at TGIFriday's next door. My wife and I had gone to TGIFriday's in Honolulu once and had a great time. Excuse me, my brownie delight has arrived. * next: `Day 8 -- Heading Home -- Saturday, March 27 `__ * up: `Contents <./>`__